MCDC's official magazine"Anaw mar" will use "Wolves" as to be continued novel for 13 months.Royalty goes to aged writer association in half and another half goes to aged comendians proudly. My special thanks go to these two parties who accepted these.

Wolves will be sent to Media by Smar Nyi Nyi at 2pm, tomorrow. There will be the explaination of mental disorder of the oppressors caused by inferiority complex, because all of the physical ones were rooted from that.

- You, Maungmaung Skw and 3 others like this.

All the crimes past and present are rooted on the low level mental culture. This is because of seldom or no reading practice of general public. There fore, I advocate to cultive and lift the reading habit through work shop and article campaign by the united media in my presentation of Wolves. — with Sein Sein Thu,Thinn Thinn Win, Takahito Uezono, Bertil Lintner,Baydar Lam, Khin Mgoo, Nay Aung Kyaw and Ko Ko Gyi.

Naw Mai, Minn Myatt, Nay Win and 2 others like this.
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